Dri-Tech Dry BagsKeep your gear safe from the great outdoors with a Dri-Tech dry bag! It's the perfect dry sack for camping and outdoor fun. It holds and protects wallets, phones, keys, passports, jewelry, and snacks. These bags are waterproof and feature a 66 Ingress Protection Level. Our dry bags can withstand splashes and falling drops of rain. And don't worry about snow, dust, and dirt, your personal belongings will be protected on the interior.Choose a Size:Dri-Tech dry bags come in four sizes: 10L, 20L, 30L, and 40L. The 10L bag is great for small trips and small valuables. 20L bags are day trip size and can hold a moderate amount of possessions. 30L bags are perfect for trips lasting 2-3 days and hold normal possessions and may fit bigger items like water containers and survival gear. Our 40L bags are the perfect for weeklong trips and can hold extra things like clothes, a small sleeping bag, and a blanket as well as the usual possessions.Why You'll Love It:These dry bags are an outdoor essential, convenient for camping, fishing, kayaking and rafting as well as boating, sailing, and swimming trips. It can even handle snow; skiing, sledding, and snowboarding safe! Going for a scenic hike? No worries, your things will be safe from dirt and dust!To use the dry bag, simply fill the bag with your items, close the top, roll the top down 3-4 times. Then clip the buckle, adjust the strap, and fit the bag comfortably over a shoulder or attach it to another backpack!